We decided on le nuove Frassinaie because Rebecca and I (Laura) are newcomers to town, having bought in December, 2002. Rebecca is Sienese, works at its university and dedicates her free time to the house, our animals her love for the kitchen. I am originally from Connecticut, have lived in Italy since 1994 and aspire to being home full time for our guests and to pursue my love for art. The guys are three large mutts (Dear, Giglia and Paris), a cat named Slim and a lovebird named Fuji. Animals travelling with you are absolutely welcome. We offer the use of a telephone, cell phone, TV, stereo and internet upon request. A home cooked meal served in your room by candlelight if you like, a tour of Florence, Siena or the surrounding area and other guest services are available (call or write to know more).
Haustiere Willkommen,Hunde Willkommen,Park,Privatparkplatz,Babysitter,Kleiner Supermarkt,Sonnenschirme und Liegestühle,Zimmerservice - volle Speisekarte,Heizung,Babybett auf Anfrage,Haartrockner im Zimmer,Telefon,Radio,Farb TV,
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