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Hotels Arezzo Continentale Hotel - Angebote zu Schnäppchenpreisen

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The Hotel Continentale was built in 1948 by the Comanduccis Family and merit to its long experience and the central position close to all the major sights and the pedestrian area, it has developed into a reliable and popular place to stay for those who wish to visit Arezzo. The Hotel Continentale , three stars, provides 73 rooms recently refurbished with all the modern comforts that set at the top of the class as equipment as well as service provided. So far the Hotel Continentale is the only to supply, for his guests, a new internet point on a fast 640 kbit lines to browse the internet, capable to send e-mail and to chat at a rapidity higher 10 times that the classical modems. Roof garden with a lovely view of the town that becomes in summer period an agreeab le solarium. Guests are offered discounted parking at nearby garages. It costs approximately 15,00 per night.

Klimatisierte Unterkunft,Historisches Gebäude,Kürzlich renoviert,Fahrstuhl,Haustiere Willkommen,Hunde Willkommen,Kreditkarten akzeptiert,Babysitter,Satellitenfernsehen,Internet/Email Service,Videozimmer,Lesezimmer,Snackbar,Bar,Waschservice,Empfang - 24 Stunden,Empfang - Faxservice,Zeitungen,Stadtführung,Stadtplan,Gepäckraum,Mehrsprachiges Personal,Tagungsfoyer,Business-Center,Bankettservice,Klimaanlage,Heizung,Babybett auf Anfrage,Zimmer mit Terrasse,Haartrockner im Zimmer,Safe,Elektronischer Safe,Minibar,Telefon mit Direktanschluss,Telefon,ADSL Internetverbindung,Farb TV,Satellitenfernsehen,Schreibtisch,Gruppen Willkommen,Kongresseinrichtungen,

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